San Diego State University

Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the University's official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal University procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in courses.

Prior to Schedule Adjustment Withdrawal

Current students withdrawing from the university prior to the schedule adjustment deadline should complete the Request for Withdrawal Prior to Schedule Adjustment form. Dropping all courses does not constitute an official withdrawal. A withdrawal prior to the schedule adjustment deadline will remove all courses from your academic transcript for the semester.

All new students withdrawing prior to the schedule adjustment deadline are required to reapply and be readmitted to the university for future semesters.

After the Schedule Adjustment Deadline - Late Schedule Changes

After the schedule adjustment deadline, changes to your schedule, including adding additional courses, changing grading basis, or withdrawal from one or more courses, are only permitted for extremely serious, fully-documented circumstances which were out of your control. An approved withdrawal requested prior to the university census date will remove the course from your academic record. An approved withdrawal requested after the university census date will result in a grade of "W" for the course(s) on your academic transcript. "W" grades are not factored into your grade point average, academic probation or disqualification procedures, or as a course attempt for course repeat policies. Please contact Student Account Services to determine any financial impact of an approved Late Schedule Adjustment.

Requests for changes to your schedule after the schedule adjustment deadline are accepted through the last instructional day of the semester and are reviewed only by the Petition for Late Schedule Adjustment with the following required documents:

Approved petitions are subject to a $20 Late Schedule Adjustment Fee.

Petitions submitted without the required documentation will not be accepted.

After the End of Term

Under the SDSU Senate Policy, students may request to withdraw from either individual courses or the full semester's work after the semester has ended.

No requests for retroactive withdrawal will be accepted after a student's degree has been posted to their record.

Requests for retroactive withdrawal may be granted only in verified cases where the cause for substandard performance was beyond the student's control, such as accident or serious illness. Requests are reviewed only through the Request for Retroactive Withdrawal Form with the following required documents:

Requests submitted without the required documentation will not be accepted, nor will requests for withdrawal after a degree has been awarded. All requests for retroactive withdrawal will be reviewed by the assistant dean of your college. Final determinations may take four to six weeks, and sometimes longer. Approved petitions are subject to a $20 Retroactive Withdrawal Fee.

Undergraduate students requesting to add a course after the last day of the term should contact the Office of the Registrar through the Contact Us Form. Graduate students should contact Graduate Studies at [email protected] .

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps to complete a petition for late schedule adjustment?

Step 1, 2, 3 for completing petition.

  1. Student initiates request for late schedule adjustment by requesting faculty approval through email communication.
  2. Student fills out Petition for Late Schedule Adjustment and attaches faculty approval and supporting documentation.
  3. Petition is reviewed by the Assistant Dean of the student's major.

Do I need to submit two petitions if I'm requesting to add a class and also drop a class I am already enrolled in?

Yes, a separate petition is required for each action you wish to take. Please submit a petition to request to add a course and include instructor approval and third party documentation. You will also need to submit a petition to drop the course you are already enrolled in. Please also include instructor approval and third party documentation.

Who approves my petition for late schedule adjustment?

Petitions for Late Schedule Adjustments are reviewed by the Assistant Dean for your major. Review the Assistant Dean Support section, to find the list of Assistant Deans for each college.

How long does it take for the petition to be approved or denied?

Please anticipate a decision via email within 2-3 weeks.

What are some examples of supporting documentation?

Depending on the extenuating circumstance, examples of supporting documentation are hospital records, a letter from a doctor or counselor, or copy of an obituary/memorial notice. For a letter or memo, the writer should have first-hand knowledge of the circumstances and include their contact information. All petitions and supporting documents are treated as confidential and protected by federal privacy laws from improper disclosure.

Why do I need to ask for instructor approval?

If you are requesting to withdraw, emailing your instructor before you request a late schedule adjustment will create an opportunity for you to discuss with your instructor the challenges you are experiencing with the class. Your instructor may have other options available for you to complete the class, such as an incomplete grade.

If you are requesting to late add a class, emailing your instructor before you request a late schedule adjustment will ensure that the instructor is aware of you enrolling, there is space available for you, and that you have not missed too many assignments that may jeopardize your grade.

How do I ask for instructor approval?

You will need to email your instructor to ask for approval to withdraw from or add their class. In your email please include your RedID, name, course information, if you are requesting to add or drop the class, your reason for the request, and a statement asking if the instructor has any other options available to you to complete the class. Please see an example request below:

"Hello, I am writing to inform you that I would like to request permission for a late schedule adjustment for your class. If there are other options besides a late schedule adjustment available to me, please include them in your response. My student information is below. "

I submitted a petition for late schedule adjustment but I have not received any updates. What should I do?

Petitions can take up to 3 weeks to make a determination. When an action is taken, you will be notified via email. Please speak with the Assistant Dean for your major if you have any questions or concerns about your petition.

I submitted a petition for late schedule adjustment but now I need to cancel it. What should I do?

Petitions can only be canceled before they are processed. Please contact your Assistant Dean if you are unsure if a Late Schedule Adjustment is a good option for you.

Do I still need to attend class after I submitted a petition to withdraw?

Yes. Please continue to attend class until you are notified of a decision as approval is not guaranteed.

When is the last day to submit a petition for late schedule adjustment?

Requests for changes to your schedule after the schedule adjustment deadline are accepted through the last instructional day of the semester.

I've requested to withdraw from the term/university. What do I need to do if I have an SDSU housing assignment?

Please submit a contract release request right away if you are not planning to attend SDSU. Additional information regarding cancellations can be found on our license agreement web page.