New Curriculum Review: The Mathematics Vision Project, or MVP, Secondary Courses I-III


Learning List has reviewed The Mathematics Vision Project , or MVP , Secondary Courses I-III . The courses are a set of a supplemental open-educational resource s that support instruction for each of the Integrated Pathways described in Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics . Resources are available in print format and structure an inquiry-based approach to learning .

MVP is built on “learning progressions” that include a meaningful flow of classroom learning tasks that prompt students’ mathematical thinking, develop understanding, and foster intuitive approaches to problem solving. Each course provides sets of questions accompanied by visual elements (e.g., graphs) that guide students’ thinking.

Courses encourage multiple approaches to solving problems and connect concepts in algebra and geometry . Daily lessons are guided by teaching notes that describe “Launch” (whole class), “Explore” (small group), and “Discuss” (whole class) activities. Each lesson is accompanied by a “Ready, Set, Go !” homework assignment that helps students practice new skills and retain prior learning. Many homework assignments have corresponding video tutorials available through Khan Academy (

MVP’s courses are available at no cost from . Addi tional materials , including answer keys for homework assignments, are available for purchase on the MVP website .

About MVP*

We enable educators to teach their students this truth through engaging, forward-thinking content. The MVP classroom experience does not look like the traditional mathematics classroom. In the MVP classroom the teacher launches a rich task and then through “teacher moves” encourages students to explore, question, ponder, discuss their ideas and listen to the ideas of their classmates. In this way, the teacher connects the Eight Mathematical Practices to the content. All material is expertly-aligned with The Common Core standards.

Homework assignments are organized into three parts–Ready, Set, and Go! As students mature mathematically, there are many math problems they should be able to do whenever they encounter them. The procedures for solving them become automatic. Students should be able to take off and Go! with them.

This is how students learn mathematics. They learn by doing mathematics. They learn by needing mathematics. They learn by verbalizing the way they see the mathematical ideas connect and by listening to how their peers perceived the problem. Students then own the mathematics because it is a collective body of knowledge that they have developed over time through guided exploration. This process describes the Learning Cycle and it informs how teaching should be conducted within the classroom. MVP materials top the charts when it comes to Alignment, Rigor & Balance as well as Deeper Learning. All essential attributes of a focused, coherent and rigorous curriculum.

*The content in this section is provided by or adapted from MVP.

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