A local call is placed and received within the local service, or calling area.
Verizon currently provides local calling services within your regional calling area.
Your Verizon bill may also include fees for regional calls in your Local Call Summary. These calls are not within your local calling area but within your regional calling area.
Any call which generates a toll, whether a local toll call or long-distance call, can be handled by a provider of your choice.
A regional toll call is placed outside the local service area but within your regional calling area.
Because of their proximity to the local calling area, regional toll calls are not regarded as long-distance calls. However, since regional toll calls connect in areas beyond the local calling area, they are treated differently than a local toll call. Regional toll calling areas vary from region to region.
Please consult the Consumer Guide section of your local phone directory for information about regional toll calling areas.
A long-distance call is made from one regional calling area to another.
International dialing allows you to direct-dial international calls to many countries from your Verizon Voice service, provided you subscribe to a calling plan that allows it.
Direct-dial international calling to some countries may be restricted for a variety of reasons. However, you may place an international call from your Verizon Voice Link phone with a calling card.
To understand the difference between local, regional toll, and long-distance calls, refer to the diagram and definitions below.
To call Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Turks and Caicos Islands: Dial 1 > then dial the 10-digit phone number. To call other international locations, dial: 011 + the country code + the city code (if applicable) + the phone number. To get International Rates and Country Code information, Sign in to your Fios Digital Voice Account Manager > Extras.
To block international dialing using FDV, Sign in to your Fios Digital Voice Account Manager Administration > International Call Block. Check the phone number for which you want to disable international dialing > Save Settings. Note: Verizon reserves the right to block calls to certain countries if we determine such calls may be linked to fraudulent or illegal activities, or if a country places any other restrictions on internet traffic.
To add an international calling plan to your account, go online, and sign into My Verizon or utilize the My Verizon app. Check residential international rates here. Even if you do not add international dialing to your calling plan, you will still be able to direct-dial international locations that support the North American 10-digit dialing pattern.
Example: To call a number in France, first dial the International Dialing prefix of "011,” then the country code "33," then the phone number.
Many telecommunications companies outside the United States now impose additional fees to complete telephone calls to wireless devices. These devices include mobile phones, pagers, personal computers and personal digital assistants. These additional fees also apply to ranges of telephone numbers for special services, as designated by the foreign telephone administration (e.g., Premium Rated Services); such special services may or may not be wireless. To recover these additional fees, Verizon adds a mobile termination charge to all calls completed to wireless devices and special services in the affected countries.
Yes. The International Plan with City Rates offers customers discounted long-distance rates for a monthly access fee. For a list of rates by country, see International Long-Distance Rates.
To place a call to a destination outside of the U.S. that uses 10-digit dialing, simply dial the 10-digit phone number as you would when making a domestic call. To place a call to a destination outside of the U.S. that can't be dialed direct using 10-digit dialing, you must start with 011. Next, you must use the country code, and then the number you wish to reach. For example, if you would like to call a number in France, dial 011, the country code 33, then the phone number.
International dialing per-minute rates vary by country and the International Calling Plan you selected. For rate information, visit International Long Distance Rates.