Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse suscipit sapien ac sapien malesuada fringilla. Fusce venenatis, mauris id sagittis dapibus, mauris velit sollicitudin ante, a pulvinar leo orci vel erat. Nam mattis erat augue, at luctus ex dignissim et. Donec suscipit, dui at efficitur tristique, nulla nisi ornare lorem, vel dictum lectus eros nec felis.
In ArcGIS Pro, features can be symbolized based on an attribute field in a dataset using unique values symbology. In some cases, it is necessary to set a different color to one or more features of the same symbology to highlight a unique value.
The workflow below describes steps to set a different color symbology to one of the features originally symbolized based on the Type field.
In the attribute table, there are three different Type fields: Fill, Synthetic, and Land , and they are symbolized by the colors Red, Yellow, and Green respectively. In this article, one of the three features of the Fill Type field is set to a different color based on the Name field (Duho).
Note: The second Field must be a unique value. If the second Field has repeats, all the features with the same Field value share the same color symbology.